Split loaf
500g organic, unbleached strong white flour
300g bottled water
100g sourdough starter
4g fresh baker’s yeast
10g kosher salt
Rye flour for dusting
Put the flour in a mixing bowl. Add the water, sourdough starter, salt and baker’s yeast. Mix together well and knead the dough for 6 to 8 minutes. Leave to rise covered by a tea towel for 90 minutes to 2 hours. Take the dough out of the bowl. Shape into an oval and fold over one edge to the centre and flatten slightly. Turn the dough round and repeat. Flour the work surface and press down in the midlle with a rolling pin. Push each of the sides together then brush with rye flour. Cover with a tea towel. Leave the dough to rise on a greased flat baking tray for about 2 hours or until it has doubled in bulk. Pre-heat the oven @ 220°C with a shallow tray of water at the bottom of the oven to create steam. Bake for 26 minutes. Allow to cool on a wire tray, covered with a tea towel.