White dough (with a small amount of wholemeal flour, to add texture and flavour) after the first rising of about an hour.
Kneaded a second time for about 10 minutes, floured and placed in the well greased tins and left to rise.

Bread dough after the second rising (about 40 minutes) You need to let the dough rise until it has doubled it's bulk. It should look like this. Don't put the dough in the oven too soon or you will get a 'flying crust'. The rising time will vary depending on the type of yeast you use (fresh or dried) and the temperature in the kitchen. This batch was made with dried yeast, which tends to be quicker than fresh. Always try to use fresh yeast when you can. It is cheaper and nicer.

The process of breadmaking
White bread
(makes 2 large loaves)
You will need 2 x 900g/2lb loaf tins, mixing bowl, Trex (is best) or marg for greasing the tins, weighing scales, large spoon, small bowl, teaspoon.
1.5Kg/3lb Strong White flour or a combination of white flour and strong wholemeal. I often use 8oz of wholemeal and 2.5lbs of white flour.
25g/1oz fresh yeast (use dried yeast, if you can’t get fresh – follow instructions on the pack. Fresh yeast is cheaper and better)
2 tablespoons rapeseed or sunflower oil
3 teaspoon Kosher salt (or slightly more if you prefer)
28 fl oz warm water
Pour a small amount of your warm water into the small bowl. Crumble the yeast into the water and stir well. Leave for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Weigh out the flour and place in the large mixing bowl. Add the salt and rapeseed or sunflower oil. Stir in the yeast mixture and warm water. Mix with the spoon and eventually get stuck in with your hands. Once all the mixture is holding together in a dough (you may need to add a little more water or flour, if it is too sticky) knead the dough for 6 or 7 minutes so that it becomes an elastic consistency. Place this dough in your mixing bowl and cover with a tea towel. Leave until it has doubled in bulk. (about 45 minutes) Cut the dough into 2 equal amounts and knead it again. Place the dough in 2 well greased tins. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sunflower, pumpkin and poppy seeds. Pat the seeds down firmly and cover with a tea towel. Or roll in flour for a soft top. Leave for 30 to 45 minutes or until the dough has doubled in bulk. Pre heat the oven to 220°C (place a shallow container of water at the base of the oven, to create steam) and bake your loaves for 30 minutes. Take out of the tins and cool on a wire tray, cover with the tea towel. When cool (after about 2 hours) you can slice and eat or freeze.