Bread out of the oven!
Seeded rustic loaf
Seeded Rustic loaf and Buckwheat
A new loaf made today and is rising now - Seeded Rustic loaf. And 2nd Buckwheat loaf made. Recipes on the website. Photos to follow.
The Pumpernickel is in the oven. Near disaster averted last night after the Pumpernickel rose very quickly and started oozing from the...

Seeded Country loaf
Seeded Country loaf out of the oven, ready to be eaten tomorrow and the rest frozen.
Pumpernickel and seeded Country loaf
Pumpernickel made this morning but with 450g water instead of 500g. Now rising overnight for 20 hours! Bought two new 1lb loaf tins, as I...
Starter out of fridge!
The starter is merrily bubbling away in awed anticipation of the pumpernickel recipe tomorrow! Fed this morning on 40g water and 40g rye...

Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns made yesterday. What a wonderful sticky delight. Great toasted for this morning's breakfast!

Seeded Einkorn and seeded bread
I made 2 loaves today. One was a new recipe using Einkorn flour, chia and poppy seeds. The dough felt wonderful and was dead easy to...
Seeded bread and Maslin made today
More bread made today! The seeded bread now has chia and hemp seeds in it.

Mixed seed loaf
Another of my favourites made this afternoon - mixed seed loaf using one of my bannetons.