Kamut and spelt loaves made today
Kamut and spelt loaves made today using a poolish pre-ferment overnight for 12 hours.
Einkorn and spelt bread
Einkorn and spelt bread produced today.
New recipe - spelt herb bread (poolish pre-ferment)
New recipe - spelt herb bread (poolish pre-ferment) made this morning as well as an einkorn loaf. Recipe on website.

Spelt and Kamut loaves today
Spelt and kamut loaves made today using the poolish pre-ferment.

Rustic, kamut and einkorn bread made today!
Rustic, kamut and einkorn bread made today! I used the poolish pre-ferment method for each of these. Recipes and photos on my website....
Spelt and Barley loaves (poolish pre-ferment)
First time in a while for my breadmaking (eating up all the contents of the freezer!). Today I made spelt and barley loaves using the...