Mixed seed bread
Mixed seed bread out of the oven! This recipe makes a beautiful bread full of colour and texture. It is also light and spongy.
Starter fed again
The sourdough starter is bubbling away merrily - fed twice today. Once this morning and once this evening, ready for a baking session...
Sourdough starter out of fridge!
The sourdough starter came out of the fridge last night and was fed with 40g rye flour and 40g bottled water and the same this morning....

Naan bread
Naan bread made this morning in readiness for 2 curry sessions next week!

Kamut bread out of the oven
Kamut bread out of the oven. Can't wait to taste it!
Kamut bread rising
Made some more Kamut bread this morning. A really active sourdough starter was added with a small amount of baker's yeast. The dough was...
Granary Bread
More Granary bread made this morning. First outing for my new lame (fantastic!). Higher oven @ 220 degrees C with lots of steam....
Granary bread
More granary bread made this morning. Khosher salt used in the mix for even better results plus tops slashed.

Lame arrived today!
My new lame arrived today. I can't wait to try it out!

Kamut bread
Tasted the Spelt bread last night - great taste and texture. Used for my sandwiches for lunch today. Kamut bread started this morning. It...